
欢迎您浏览<立群大师>!更欢迎您多提宝贵意见! 李立群,1925年生于上海。幼年习武,担任工会体育组织工作,一级气功师。最后拜马岳梁宗师门下,专练吴式太极拳,成为鉴泉社传人。自己独创《倒步返回功》。曾任上海气功师协会会长,国际气功协会理事等职。他以上海为中心,分别在香港、日本、美国、澳大利亚各地传教气功与太极拳。真正成为誉至海外名传天下的气功大师。


一、立群大师1925年生职业:原上海徐汇工人体育场场长中国武术学会八段世界医学气功协会会员 第一届上海气功师协会会长 中国倒步返回气功国际研究会会长 香港国际气功学会顾问 美国吴式太极拳协会名誉会长美国中美太极气功协会名誉顾问 澳大利亚太极气功学院名誉院长 英国太极气功协会名誉会长英国西敏寺大学太极气功协会名誉会长 〔一〕中国倒步返回气功创办人。编书有: 《中华全国体育健身方法》国家体委主任伍绍祖主编,《康复气功精选》北京科学出版社,《倒步返回气功和外气发放篇》河北科技出版社,《倒步返回气功》《科学的气功》英文版,《天地人地》港.奈辉有限公司,《太极拳慢架》,《太极拳快拳附用法》,《太极刀与双刀》,《太极剑:乾坤剑、七星剑两路》,《太极枪;24枪、13枪两路》,《太极推手汇篇》。(以为未注明出版处均为奈辉出版) (二)气功治病:自1960年来办气功诊疗所,治病二万人次以上。由71年至96年任上海气功康复中心常务理事和总门诊主任。现总结论文五篇,均在中外气功学术会会议上发表并得好评。受聘美国太平洋医学研究中心,在美加州作「外气杀伤癌细胞」专题测试。 (三)太极拳:曾任上海鉴泉社首届秘书长,吴式太极拳第四代传人,中国陈家沟国际太极拳年会副秘书长,中国永年国际太极拳联谊会特邀顾问。 (四)外访:二十余次获邀出访美国、香港、澳大利亚、日本、英国,治病讲课授拳受到欢迎。日、港电视转播,相关报道(中日英文)二百篇。概括有《人民日报海外版》,《中国日报》,美国《太极》杂志,《美国功夫》杂志,英国《太极》杂志,《新加坡日报》,《武坛》杂志,《日本朝日新闻》,《澳大利亚星岛日报》,《新报》等。 (五)个人荣誉:任场长时被授中国体育运动委员会,中华总工会体育开拓者奖。被日本称为现代中国气功名人,收列名人录,收列《中国专家人才库》(人民日报),收列画册《共和国专家》(人民画报)。


三、最近,立群大师在香港出版专著(繁体)的基础上,修订了新的太极拳与刀枪剑六本书,本丛书用简体中文排版,由山西科学技术出版社出版,全套人民币八十五元。经笔者加工整理后,该丛书更准确精练。 立群大师的新书分别为太极拳慢架,太极拳推手汇编,太极剑,太极刀,太极枪和太极快拳共六册。该书自发行以来受到读者的好评,拳功爱好者反映,该书详述了吴式太极的精髓,填补了这方面的空白,立群大师的丛书从理论实践两方面为推广继承鉴泉精神作出贡献。




p3大师闻鸡起舞 2重大会议资料 3履历4八十寿诞5大师会海灯法师



p6倒步教材2示范3港4 快慢架区别5美国发功实验

p7六本书2刀推手3枪剑快慢架 4骑老虎和大胡子

p8简介2 图片速达 3总目录4澳洲网介绍


p10访英国图片 2访美国图片3澳大利亚学院

Master Sam Li http://www.taichicollege.com.au/ Master Sam Li was born into a family of martial artists in Shanghai, China. He began his Tai Chi and Qi Gong training with his father, Grandmaster Li Li Qun. More years of training in Wu Style Tai Chi under Grandmaster Ma Yueh and Wu Ying Hua in Shanghai ensued. Sam's background is primarily medical, both Western and Chinese. He graduated from Shanghai Medical University of China, and is a fully qualified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition, he has been admitted as a Fellow of the Australian Natural Therapists Association of Australia. In 1995, Master Sam Li founded the Australian School of Tai Chi & Qi Gong. In 1998 the its name was changed to the Australian College of Tai Chi and Qi Gong. The college's mission is to introduce to the public the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of Traditional Chinese Exercises. Master Sam Li is the National President of Australian College of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, President of Australian Qigong Wushu Association and Vice President of the Step Back Qi Gong Association of China. GRANDMASTER LI LI-QUN PROFILE Grandmaster Li Li-Qun began his martial arts training at 8 years of age under the influence of his father. He first started training in Shaolin Kung Fu then Xing Yi Quan (Hsing-I Chuan), Hua Dong Quan and various forms of Tai Ji Quan (Sun, Wu and Yang styles) as well as Qi Gong (Chi Kung). He eventually went on to focus particularly on Wu Style and became a disciple of the renowned Master Ma Yueh-Liang (1901-1998), his the 4 th generation of Wu Style Tai Ji. Grandmaster Li is also a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, specialising in Qi Gong. Grandmaster Li is now an expert of Wu Style and has been teaching for over 40 years. During his 50 years of practicing Qi Gong he has established and been involved in many Qi Gong clinics and Tai Ji and Qi Gong organizations in China and overseas. In 1981, with the help of his son, Master Li Shen-Guang he founded China's “Step Back” Qi Gong, one of the 21 Qi Gong systems officially recognized by the Chinese government. He is the author of many books which include: - S Tai le Tai Ji Fast From - Wu Sle Sword - Wur Over 150 articles have been written about Grandmaster Li in more than 50 newspapers and magazines around the world. He has been invited to teach in many countries some of which includes: Australia, U.S.A, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan and has been many private students in these countries. Some of his Tai Ji Quan and Qi Gong teaching experience: 1983-84 – East China Technical University (China) 1988-89 – Tokyo Tai Ji College (Japan) 1989- 90 – Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) 1992-94 – Shanghai Teaching University (China) 1996-98 Virginia Commonwealth University (USA) Grandmaster Li was the first chairman of the Shanghai Qi Gong Master's Association and Managing Director of the Shanghai Society of Qi Gong for Rehabilitation. He is the Deputy Executive Secretary of the annual Yong Nian International Tai Ji Conference as the Wu Style representative, Honorary President of The Australian College of Tai Chi & Qi Gong, Honorary Advisor to the Shanghai University Qi Gong Centre, Honorary Chairman of the USA Wu Style Tai Ji Association and chairman of the China's Step Back Qi Gong Association.



The Wu Style Tai Ji Quan & Qi Gong Association is devoted to the practice and promotion of the Traditional Wu Style of Tai Ji Quan and Taoist Qi Gong. The Association follows the teaching of Master Li Liqun of Shanghai, a fourth generation Wu Style and Qi Gong Master.

taijiMaster Li Liqun - Honorary Chairman . Wu Shi Tai Ji Quan Assoc. (UK)

Master Li is a fourth generation Wu Style Master and a senior disciple of the now deceased Ma Yueh Liang (1901-1098), one of the mostcelebrated Tai Ji Masters of modern times. Grandmaster Ma was a senior disciple of Wu Jianquan (1870-1942) a famous Tai Ji boxer and founder of modern Wu style. Master Li has studied and practiced Chinese boxing since childhood and now at 83 he is regarded as one of China’s leading exponents of the Wu style, a rich source of traditional knowledge on Chinese Martial Arts and a close link to the founding fathers of modern Tai Ji Quan. He is a former General Secretary of the Jian Quan Tai Ji Boxing and sits on Chen Village Committee as Wu style representative.

Master Li is a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medecine and is renowned for his Qi Gong healing. He is the founder of the Dao Bu Fan Hui Qi Gong, one of China’s officially recognized medical Qi Gong systems. In addition he was the first Chairman of Shanghai Qi Gong Masters Assoc. and Managing Director of the Shanghai Soc. of Qi Gong for Rehabilitation. He is Honorary President of Australia College of Qi Gong and Tai Ji and advisor to the Shanghai Universitty Qi Gong Center as well as Honorary Chairman of Wu Shi Tai JI Quan and Qi Gong Assoc. (UK)

Michael Acton - Senior Instructor and founding member Wu Shi Tai Ji Quan & Qi Gong Assoc. (UK)

Michael has studied Qi Gong and Wu Style Tai Ji Quan with Master Li since 1992 and is Master Li’s sole representative in the U.K. He has lived and studied with Master Li in China and is a regular visitor. He has studied and practiced Tai Ji Quan since 1976.

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